Ryan K. Hunter Ryan K. Hunter Ryan K. Hunter


Getting Started Guides

Computing and A.I. Terminology

You can also download this guide as a PDF here.

This is a quick reference guide to key terms and concepts in the world of AI and technology for the uninitiated. A great reference to get to grips with all the jargon flying around in this space.

Installation Guides


You can also download this guide as a PDF here.

This guide is on how to set up and run GPT4ALL, an all-in-one and easy-to-install chatbot application, created by nomic.ai. GPT4ALL allows you to download and try out different models that Just Work™ without having to install or configure much of anything else, though they do offer some options you can tinker with if you're so inclined. A great first step for beginners.

Running ComfyUI and Stable Diffusion

This is a guide on getting started with your own, locally-hosted installation of ComfyUI with Stable Diffusion.

Guides Written by Others

Why paraphrase what someone else has said, when others have done a great job? These are some helpful guides I've come across, collected here for your convenience.

Textbot Guides

The Local LLM Settings Guide/Rant

In this guide on text generation AI parameters, Hush offers an in-depth look at the effects of various parameters, how they relate to different text generation models, and how different models respond to changes (as they each behave differently). Very useful for users of GPT4ALL, oobabooga's text-generation-webui, SillyTavern, or KoboldAI.

The Novice's LLM Training Guide

In this guide, 4Channer Alpin offers a comprehensive look at training your own text generation AIs. It's not an easy process, but this guide sure as hell makes it easier.

Image Generation Guides

Stable Diffusion WebUI AUTOMATIC1111: A Beginner’s Guide

One of the best guides on running Automatic1111's stable-diffusion-webui on your own machine, updated routinely by the awesome folks at stable-diffusion-art.com.

ControlNet v1.1: A complete guide

Another great guide, this time on using ControlNet with Automatic1111's stable-diffusion-webui. To get a taste of what ControlNet is and why you might want to learn how to use it, take a look this article I penned on my experience with it.