Ryan K. Hunter Ryan K. Hunter Ryan K. Hunter

New Article, Conference Wrap-Up


My time at the Southern California Writers' Conference was fantastic. I have to say, really proud of what we pulled off there. I can't wait to see everyone again in February. Despite a handful of technical challenges leading into my workshop, I think it went off well, and there were definitely lessons taken away for future talks.

Speaking of which, I have penned another article on the role of AI in researching a novel: A.I. Assist: Space Toilets and Exoplanets. This was heavily-informed by the questions I got at the conference around how authors could leverage AI, and is meant to give a hands-on example of doing so.


Grand Opening


Something I've missed about websites from the 90's is the personal touch. Curated, useful or entertaining content without all the noise of social media, obnoxious ads, clickbait, and weird tracking integrations. When people would put together sites full of interesting stuff about their hobbies, side projects, and writing.

Well, that's why this site exists. A loveletter to the better days of the internet. If you're interested in artificial intelligence, computing, or just want to pick up some new tools and tricks to make your digital life easier, you'll want to keep an eye on this website. Make sure to bookmark this page, and check back for updates. There'll be plenty more to come than what I've already put up.